This is me starting a blog for the purpose of updating loved ones on my condition as I am currently going through the lovelies of breast cancer. I have found that talking with others and sharing my feelings through this experience has really helped me get some things "off my chest" as I literally get things off my chest. Hopefully it will be helpful, insightful, and maybe we'll get a little laugh. Thank you all for your prayers and love. I feel so very blessed. DeLayne

Monday, October 11, 2010

Hair loss anxiety dreams

I know I will lose my hair.  My doctors gave me no hope or indication contrary to this.  I'm Ok with this.  Very much so.  I know it is all part of the process and it will grow back, I'm pretty sure, more illustrious and ever flowing than before.  However, my subconscious is obviously thinking about as I had a dream  This was my dream.....Hair began to come out in clumps.  Called Brendon and said maybe it was time to shave it off.  Word got out and all of a sudden, the whole neighborhood begins showing up like zombies hanging around for me to shave it.  I told them it was not happening today since I still have hair sticking.  They came back again the next day, people selling things, the streets blocked off.  It was like a carnival crowd waiting for the freak show.  I barricaded myself in my house.  Looked out the window to see one little neighbor girl, Jocelyn Bybee, had started to shave the top of her hair in support of me only to find I was not doing it yet so she looked like a clown with a shaved top and flowing hair mid head down.  She was not happy with me.  It was a very stressful situation and I woke up from this dream feeling very pressured.  Yes, people do ask if I am losing my hair yet.  It's only been a week.  Cut me some slack.  I see more hairs lost on Brendon's pillow than on my own.  Now THAT is worrisome.  Poor guy.  I do feel that pressure, though.  What if it doesn't come out and everyone is so disappointed?!:)  Doctors told us between day 14-17.  Oh, it's a comin' folks and it's gonna be sweet!  Brush up on your billiard ball jokes cause I gotta laugh so I won't cry.  It's a comin' and it's gonna be a beaut!

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