This is me starting a blog for the purpose of updating loved ones on my condition as I am currently going through the lovelies of breast cancer. I have found that talking with others and sharing my feelings through this experience has really helped me get some things "off my chest" as I literally get things off my chest. Hopefully it will be helpful, insightful, and maybe we'll get a little laugh. Thank you all for your prayers and love. I feel so very blessed. DeLayne

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Good day for some Family, Friends, Pride & Prejudice

After the PET scan experience of yesterday, I felt hammered today.  I was in so much pain this morning.  Maybe from the changes from yesterday.  Couldn't shake the exhaustion and a bit fuzzy in the head. So I laid around in my bed and sat outside most of the late afternoon and evening.  I have so wanted to be surrounded by my sisters and mom so I called them to come watch a movie.  Jen, Crystal (neighbor friends), and I have planned to watch the A&E version of Pride & Prejudice for months now and felt that my recovery time was the perfect occasion...all 8 hours.  But we will have to do that little by little.  so great to have family and friends all piled on my bed, in chairs, and my cute new red love seat in my bedroom just to keep me company.  I felt so happy despite the foggy head and lack of energy.  Such a wonderful way to pass the time.  And Pride & Prejudice just makes me feel good.  Thanks for the company of my loved ones.  Thanks to others who came to visit.  Hollie brought over some darling hats she made for my days of baldness.  So thoughtful.  Good friends brought treats, food, and sent flowers.  Dad took Mom out to lunch for a break.  She has been staying over for a week now, except the weekend, helping with everything imaginable.  She is amazing and has completely taken over my care and the needs of my family, along with Brendon.  I love you mom, so much.  Brendon's mom has also been so helpful,  I appreciate them both.  Anxious for scan results and meeting with oncologist.  Grateful for moments of laughter and bonding.

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