This is me starting a blog for the purpose of updating loved ones on my condition as I am currently going through the lovelies of breast cancer. I have found that talking with others and sharing my feelings through this experience has really helped me get some things "off my chest" as I literally get things off my chest. Hopefully it will be helpful, insightful, and maybe we'll get a little laugh. Thank you all for your prayers and love. I feel so very blessed. DeLayne

Friday, January 28, 2011

6th and final chemo treatment

Well, it was a go!! 6th and final chemo was yesterday (thurs.) on a beautiful sunny, birds-chirping, angels singing, rainbows and bucket of gold kinda day.  Maybe that's just how I felt to have it happen.  Levels were still a bit low but where they needed to be to continue.  Looks like I am taking a beating like Rocky when he fights againstApollo Creed,  Mr. T, and Ivan Drago ("I. WILL. BREAK. YOU.").  After a few rounds of getting a beating, my cells, blood, and heart are just not as strong and resilient.  But I am planning on coming back with a good whoopin' of my own.  Why can't the Rocky theme music just spontaneously play outloud in my life like it does in my head?  That would be awesome!  I'll work on that.  After much thought the Dr. decided to lower the dosage of chemo 1/3rd since it has been too toxic for my body the last two treatments.  Not desirable but he has no choice.  He doesn't want to kill me on the very last one.  Thank you for that.  All should be just fine.  Radiation begins in about 1 month.  So the schedule is to feel yucky for the week and then party planning shall resume.  Thanks for your thoughts and support.  Love you all.  

#6 chemo support group
Brandalee, Brendon, Audralyn, DeLonne w/ kids, me, mom


  1. Yay! Yay! Yay for you!!! Prayers coming your way that this week will fly and you'll be on your to that party!!! You are my hero.

  2. You have to stop looking so gorgeous so we will believe you feel yucky! Glad this part is over. I hope the radiation is less "trouble" and wraps up on schedule. love, k.

  3. Hooray! You look great in these photos. I loved visiting with you today. Didn't realize until I left how long I was there. So sorry--okay, not really, it was fun. Super glad you're doing so well. Love you tons.

  4. YOU DID IT! Ü I'm so happy for you and your family! Now you need the theme song "We are the Champions" You rock! Have a happy weekend! Ü

  5. Delayne! Auditions are this week! I'm so excited, yay!

  6. DeLayne, you are AMAZING. You just did the hardest thing anyone could ever do. AND YOU ROCK IT. :)

  7. DeLayne! Shannon told me about your blog a while ago, and I just got caught up reading about the last few months... You are AMAZING! I want you to know that I am thinking about you and praying for you and your family. I hate that you have to go through all of this, but if anyone can kick cancer in the butt, it is you! I have practically known you my whole life, and you have always made me laugh and smile. So many great Edgemont Elementary/ Farrer Jr. High/ Timpview memories! I wish I saw you more than once every 10 years now... hopefully I will run into someday in Prove!
    Love Ya- Deena Petersen Svendsen

  8. Hi I am Brenda Espinoza,

    Glad you finish your 6th chemo treatment, I am going through my 6th and last chemo treatment this Fri Dec 23rd its been a hard battle I was diagnosis with stage 4 breast, lung, & neck cancer but responded very well to chemo tumor is almost gone, good luck to you.
